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Hi my name's Paul, I'm studying A levels in a school in Kent and am aspiring to go to The University of Nottingham to study Plant Bioscience. Enjoy my blogs, they will mainly be about Biology. Contact me at rubiscoactivase@gmail.com

Monday 26 March 2012

Global Warming

What? Not more on global warming... well unfortunately for you the idea of global warming fits nicely into the discussion on genetically modification. 

How so? Through food security! This may sound boring to you, as it's plants and all, but developing crops that would withstand the changing climate is crucial to ensure the growing population doesn't fall into mass hunger. 

With many places in the world heating up, creating crops that are drought resistant could potentially save lives. Having said this many people still oppose the idea of genetically modifying crops. 

Do you think genetic modification should be used to alter crops in order to help feed a growing population? Or should we look for other solutions? What's more ethical, farming battery hens or altering the genetic makeup of a plant?


  1. The money invested in GM crops could be the money invested in incorporating necessary reforms in poor, overcrowded countries. They could set their own plantations and produce real quality food.

    1. You think no one has tried it? It's hard, very hard to realize this.

    2. I see your point, but in many places in say, Africa, they are unable to grow crops because the conditions are so harsh.

  2. I suppose altering the genetic makeup is more ethical as long as people are aware of it. There are vegetables that people don't accustom themselves to eating that would survive harsh conditions, so mass hunger doesn't necessarily HAVE to get there, people would have to try unpleasant foods. I'm sure many will resort to that, but the comfort of something tasty will make a lot of other people be perfectly fine with something slightly modified.

    Also, you have capcha on... it's not cool, man..

    1. I turned off word verification, is that it?
